The 100+ Pins on My "All My Biz" Pinterest Board

FB May 2018-01.png

Pinterest is a gift and a curse. On the one hand, it sucks you down into its vortex for hours at a time, and often off-task. On the other, you can create vast collections of useful information like this! Enjoy!

Inspiration: In-Ear Translation, Strolling in Jamaica, Introversion

  1. I know this won't be everybody's cup of tea... but breast milk jewelry! I probably wouldn't trust someone else to make this for me, but what a unique way to commemorate a meaningful season of life!
    via New York Post
  2. It's a smart earpiece language translator! It translates languages inside your ear! AND it has the capacity to translate what you're saying into other languages through your phone! WHAT! This is so amazing.
    via IndieGoGo
  3. What's that? A Black woman warrior comic book? Yes, please! It's called "NIOBE: She is Life," and is coming out this November. It's also the brainchild of the Hunger Games actress Amandla Stenberg. Thank you, Amanda!
    via Huffington Post 
  4. Cecile Emeke has gifted the world with such realness and rawness in her videos. The Strolling series, is a favorite of mine. In order to "connect the scattered stories of the black diaspora," it shares natural, conversational monologues of people of color across the world. Very worth the watch.
    via Strolling Series 
  5. I just think this is such a cute idea. I am 99% sure that I will have the children who draw outside of the paper, though. I'm also 100% sure I wouldn't buy this contraption. I bet it could easily be DIYed for way cheaper!
    via George and Willy   
  6. What a glorious pin! I love my introverted-ness. This reminded me of a post I read the other day, Mathematical Word Problems for Introverts. Here's a good one: Larry’s Netflix account costs $10 per month. If, over the course of a year, Larry stayed home every Friday and Saturday night, how many times did he hit the CONTINUE WATCHING button? 😂😂😂
    via Etsy  
  7. I really loved this photo of a Brazilian woman with her triplets (one is further down in the picture than you can see). There's a lot of controversy about breastfeeding and formula — and about public and private breastfeeding, for that matter. I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all way to respond. As a doula, I hope to be able to educate mothers so that they can make an informed decision. And whatever fits them and their families, I hope that they can be confident and unashamed, like this mama.
    via Jade Beall Photography

Inspiration: Lettering, Ancestors, Bedtime Stories & More

  1. How cozy and comfortable! I love it when photography has this candid nature. It's so authentic and (insert dreamy eyes here) so sweet.
    via Praise Wedding
  2. I love beautiful lettering! It's always been a challenge for me, so I do a lot more admiring than creating. This particular piece was made by an amazing college friend of mine!
    via alysonnailahdesigns
  3. Tis the season of so many graduations! I loved how uniquely this photo captured the joyous, fun and celebratory nature of this great accomplishment.
    via alexandra galbreath photography
  4. I have been an adoring follower of Latonya Yvette for at least a year now. From her style to her wisdom to all she shares about her journey of motherhood – it's all golden.
    via Latonya Yvette
  5. Mamas everywhere inspire me and The Birth Hour podcast (in which women share their own birth stories) has been a huge source of learning and inspiration for me as I think to my own future experiences and how to best support the moms I serve as a doula in the meantime.
    via The Birth Hour; with photo cred to Kindnessgirl
  6. The Freedmen’s Bureau Project is an initiative that will make over 1.5 million historical documents available online, finally allowing descendants of former African-American slaves to learn more about their family roots. I'm sitting here like, Yes! This is so amazing! I want to use this!
    via The Freedmen's Bureau Project
  7. A collection of bedtime stories for girls that does not include, "Once upon a time there was a girl looking for a prince..." Instead, they're like, "Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to walk on Mars!" BOOM! Empower your child and lull them to sleep in one easy step! Total win.
    via Kickstarter