2 Videos About Home Birth By Black Parents
Safe, healthy, empowering birth options should always be open and accessible to all people regardless of race, class, culture, style or anything else! Unfortunately there are truly legitimate obstacles to safe and affordable home birth for many people in the Black community in the U.S. Because of this, I believe a misconception has developed that Black people don't want home birth on some cultural level. Not true! And all the more reason I was so excited to find these two videos in the past month of Black parents talking about their home birth experiences.
Home birth is a fantastic option for birth for any parent who is interested in it. I hope these videos are encouraging and informative to those who may not have realized, yes of course, Black people can and do home birth!
Beleaf in Fatherhood is an amazing amazing amazing video blog about a Stay-At-Home Dad (Beleaf) managing life with his Wife (Yvette) and their Chocolate Babies.
Beleaf filmed portions of the home birth of their third child, their daughter Anaya this past March, and put together the above video to talk about the birth from his perspective. Want the birth story from Yvette's perspective? Read it and see the pictures here. Want to hear more about why they chose home birth? Watch this video. Still want more? Watch this video from the live session they did shortly after Anaya's birth, in which they answered listeners' questions about the experience.
Kierra is just truly one of the loveliest people I've ever met! In this video she shares what it was like for her to have her first home birth with her third son this year!
She talks about the reactions she got from people when she shared she was planning a home birth, what it was like talking through this decision with her husband, what it was like to work with a midwife, what qualifies a midwife to offer safe birth, and more!
Listen. I can't wait to see what Kierra comes out with next. And I hope you'll enjoy hearing her share how this decision fit her and her family!
Have you seen videos about home birth from other Black parents or other parents of color? Do you feel like there are other aspects of birth that battle false cultural assumptions? I'd love to know what you've seen and what you're thinking so please do share in the comments below!